Jotrishi organic farm ‘Food is the best medicine one can eat’ is our core belief at Jotrishi organic farms. Situated in the foothills of the Himalayas at Roorkee, near the sacred city of Haridwar in dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand, we have dedicated ourselves to reviving the traditional agricultural practices based on resources derived from the cow (Gau Adharit Krishi) like gau mutra, buttermilk, gau kripa amrit, etc. and other natural ingredients like vermi compost, FYM, Jivamrit. No chemical is used at our farm at any stage of production to provide 100% natural food with the highest standard of quality and nutrition.

Our objective is to take our customers on a journey of a healthy lifestyle through food which serves as the medicine for disease and supplement for all nutritional requirements while improving the immunity and digestion of our body. Such food helps in the holistic growth of the body and keeps it energized throughout the day for maximum efficiency.

We adopt the methods of multi-layer farming and crop rotation to keep the soil healthy which results in the production of the highest quality crops. Moreover, agnihotras are performed regularly along with playing shlokas and mantras to infuse our crops with positive energy which serves as the extra element of growth for the body as well as the mind. Thus, our naturally healthy soil produces naturally healthy food which enables our body to obtain maximum nutrients from the food while spending minimal energy on its digestion.

We aim to spread our natural farming techniques nationwide as they do not require any chemically derived input, this would result not only in better public health but also improvement in the financial situation of farmers and the nation as a whole.

“Himvedic” is the retail brand of Jotrishi Organic Farm. At Himvedic, in collaboration with organic farmers throughout India, we provide the highest quality of products at a very reasonable price. We make it our core principle to provide products that are naturally grown using traditional methods of farming which enables us to maintain the best quality while keeping the price affordable. Cleaning, shorting, grading, and extraction of oil wherever required are also carried out using traditional machines made of specific woods to retain maximum nutrition in the food.

Moreover, we strongly believe that the farmer should be fairly compensated for the crops he produces as he is the one making all the investments, doing all the hard work, and taking on risks involved with farming. So, most of our revenue is spent on fairly compensating the farmer for their contribution to society.

We partner up directly with farmers, self-help groups, and dairy producers across India, removing the barrier of middlemen. This enables us to maintain the quality of our products and also keep the prices reasonable. We aim to achieve our goal of serving food as a natural medicine and eliminating the root cause of the majority of health problems.